Statement of Commitment
Sport organizations in British Columbia are committed to creating a sport environment that is accessible, inclusive, respects their participants personal goals and is free from all forms of Maltreatment. As part of BC Ultimate’s commitment to Safe Sport our staff and board have completed Commit to Kids training.
Flag Tool for Sport
viaSPORT has recently develop the Flag Tool for Sport to help anyone involved in sport to determine if a behaviour they have experienced or witnessed crossed the line of appropriate behaviour. The tool also helps the user get some guidance on how to respond.
How to Report Maltreatment
Issues of Harassment or other such matters which run counter to maintaining a sport environment that is accessible, inclusive or respectful can be reported to BC Ultimate under our Code of Conduct and Harassment Policy.
BC Ultimate members and organizations may with a complaint may contact the BCU General Manager and/or the BCU Board President.
External reporting can be undertaken using the National Sport Helpline.
Associated Policies
BC Ultimate accepts all language contained in the British Columbia Universal Code of Conduct (BC UCC).
Additional BC Ultimate Policies may be viewed HERE.
Additional Resources
Respect in Sport for Active Leaders
viaSPORT – Addressing Maltreatment
viaSPORT – Concussion Awareness
Province of B.C. resources
B.C. Helpline for Children – a confidential toll-free phone line for children and youth wanting to talk to someone – is 310-1234 (no area code required)
VictimLinkBC is a toll-free, confidential, multilingual telephone and online service available across B.C. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week which provides information and referral services to all victims of crime and immediate crisis support to victims of family and sexual violence.
Resilience BC: Anti-Racism Network provides information about how to report incidences of racism and hate crimes if you are a victim or witness such incidences.