BC Ultimate Member Leagues

BC Ultimate Local Disc Sports (LSO) Member Organizations

LeagueContact NameContact Email
Abbotsford Ultimate ClubMatthew EnsEMAIL
Grand ForksKeith KuromiEMAIL
Fort St. John Disc Sports ClubElena WarkentinEMAIL
Kamloops Ultimate LeagueGeneral InformationEMAIL
Kelowna Ultimate Players SocietySara WikstonEMAIL
Kimberley UltimateNicole PerrinEMAIL
Maple Ridge Ultimate LeagueHeather MurphyEMAIL
Nanaimo Ultimate AssociationMarnie BrownEMAIL
Nelson UltimateGabriel PlamondonEMAIL
North Shore Ultimate LeagueKelly MahEMAIL
Penticton Ultimate FrisbeeChristine JacksonEMAIL
Prince George Disc SportsGreg JonukEMAIL
Squamish Ultimate LeagueLaura LazaridisEMAIL
Sunshine Coast Ultimate Disc AssociationGrace TelferEMAIL
Vancouver Ultimate LeagueRhonda FrizzleEMAIL
Vernon UltimateMark AnsdellEMAIL
Victoria Ultimate Players SocietyMarion ChoongEMAIL
Yukon Ultimate Frisbee AssociationJacqueline MillsEMAIL

Non Affiliated Disc Organizations

Bella/Bella Coola UltimateJosh WulfekotteEMAIL
Cowichan UltimateDwight MilfordEMAIL
Chilliwack UltimateIian GardnerEMAIL
Dawson Creek Disc Golf ClubDavid RattiganEMAIL
Smithers Ultimate SocietyGlen IngramEMAIL

If you know of other Leagues/find some incorrect information, let “General Inquiries” know on the Contact Page.

Play Ultimate – In Super, Natural, British Columbia!

If you’d like to download the information, you can view the Google Sheet here.